Bella Magazine
September/October 2016 Edition
"Not Quite Ready for a Facelift? How About a LaserLift?"
Page 118
During the natural aging process, the skin and underlying muscles of the face and neck loosen and sag. These changes can happen in ages as early as the 40’s and progressively become more pronounced. Traditionally, the only procedure to get adequate tightening of the face and neck has been a surgical facelift. Facelifts are usually performed under general or sedation anesthesia, with at least a 1-2 week or more recovery time. However, many patients do not want to go through this invasive surgical procedure, or have only moderate face and neck laxity. Fortunately, today there is an alternative minimally invasive procedure, the LaserLift, which can be performed under local anesthesia in under an hour, with a recovery time of one day or less.
LaserLift is a minimally invasive procedure which has been developed for facial and neck rejuvenation, using the Precision TxTM laser. I find it ideal for my patients with moderate face and neck laxity who do not want, or are not quite ready, for a more extensive surgical facelift. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, where the Precision TxTM laser device is inserted under the skin through tiny hidden incisions behind the ears and under the chin. Laser energy is then directly delivered to achieve structural tightening of the jowl and neck areas, tightening both the skin and underlying muscle. For my patients with excess neck fat under the chin, I also combine it with liposuction of the neck, in order to achieve a more optimal neck contour. Dramatic rejuvenation of the face and neck can be accomplished with little to no down time.
Unlike other non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments which are only applied at the surface, the LaserLift procedure delivers laser energy directly to the tissues under the skin. As a result, it can therefore tighten and lift the lower face and neck, reduce sagging, minimize fine lines, reduce jowling, and improve jawline definition, leaving you with a natural, refreshed and rejuvenated face and neck.
So if you are not quite ready for a facelift, the LaserLift can be an ideal procedure, producing a natural-looking rejuvenation with minimal recovery time.
Dr. Arnold Breitbart is a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Long Island and Manhattan. For more information, visit www., or call (516) 365-3511.