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Typically, the skin on the neck sags and shows signs of aging before the face, giving the appearance of jowls or lax and wrinkled skin. After a neck lift procedure, patients generally look many years younger with a defined and contoured profile.
Neck lift can be an ideal cosmetic surgery procedure for patients who have lost weight as well as those who want to enhance the contour of the neck region.
Through neck lift surgery, Dr. Arnold Breitbart can remove fat via Liposuction, tighten muscles, and remove excess skin to enhance the neck’s natural curves. The procedure for neck lift surgery typically lasts between one and two hours and can be combined with Liposuction, a facelift, or a brow lift. Patients can usually return to work within one week after the procedure.
The neck region may show aging faster than the face. Neck lift surgery can dramatically improve the appearance of the neck. This results in a more natural appearance while providing improved contour and definition.
Many people develop neckbands also referred to as “turkey waddle” around their necks, which can be unsightly because of the sagging and loose skin. Neck lift surgery addresses this, by tightening the skin and underlying muscle, and reshaping the contours of the area.
The recovery time is usually about one week. Most patients experience some discomfort after surgery that can be relieved through painkillers. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at lest two weeks. There will be some initial swelling which will gradually subside over time.
Neck lift surgery can be performed in young adults, as well as in more elderly patients.